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Medina Proyecciones

Galería de Arte Ascaso, Caracas. Abril 2024

In his most recent proposal Medina, he introduces light as the protagonist of this exhibition. An immersive experience between spatial interventions and their reality projected through light and sound that surrounds us either in the rain or in the energy of the cosmos.


In these times of collaborations, the "projections" concept also tells us about the influence of Medina's work on other creators. Therefore, for the first time, its concepts are "projected" beyond pure art and are integrated into fashion and design. The brands Lemontree and Manú Concept, creators of fashion and jewelry designs respectively, use Neutrinos and Gotas de Medina for the production of their exclusive collections. A very current experience that marks the influence of Medina on new generations.

Photos exhibition:

Antolín Sánchez.

Neutrinos Carlos Medina

Galerie Denise René, Paris. Marzo 2023

The Denise René Gallery in Paris presents in March 2023 the personal exhibition Neutrinos. Carlos Medina, who brings together a set of his plastic investigations on neutrinos, an invisible particle that reaches us from the cosmos and passes through everything

with its powerful energy that comes from the sun.

Adopting a minimalist aesthetic, Medina seeks to make imperceptible phenomena visible, and here, with his geometric interpretation of the microcosm of neutrinos, he offers a study of this essential form of matter, present since his first drawings and sculptures. This exhibition is accompanied by a catalog with texts by the French critic Domitille D'Orgeval.

Whether through space interventions, drawings on canvas, interventions on paper or even space sculptures, in this exhibition we will be able to discover and share with Medina the journey of his Neutrinos.

Exhibition catalog:

Fotos Oliver Luna

La condición humana y su lugar en el universo -The human condition and its place in the universe- 

Madrid Luxury Art, Madrid, España, febrero - junio 2023

Carlos Medina presents his sculpture Círculo y cuadrado (Calle Ortega y Gasset, 13) in Madrid, thanks to the invitation from AGM Art Management to participate in Madrid Luxury Art, a tour of fourteen outdoor sculptures curated by María Luz Cárdenas. Venezuelan sculptors also participate: Rafael Barrios and Sydia Reyes, as well as Fernando Botero, Jaume Plensa, Baltasar Lobo and Manolo Valdez, among other Latin American sculptors.

Made of mirror-polished stainless steel, and taking up one of his studies on geometric shapes in the seventies, the Circle and Square piece complies with Medina's premises in terms of suspending or “floating” the elements; this time he achieves it through reflection, which also integrates the environment and even the viewer into the sculpture.

Also an intervention in the store of the Italian watch brand Panerai, presenting two of its pieces from the Fragmento de lluvia series, directly carved in solid aluminum, are part of this tour.

Neutrino spheres

Specials Projects Pinta, Miami, USA, December 2022

As part of the Special Projects section, curated by critic Félix Suazo; Carlos Medina is invited to carry out an intervention in the gardens of The Hangar spaces, the setting for the Pinta 2022 art fair. The selected project is Neutrino spheres (Neutrino spheres), two spheres of 2.5 meters each that Medina had presented in 2018 when intervening in the gardens of the Palais Royal in Paris.

With an active participation of the public these ephemeral pieces. the artist achieves the interaction and connection with these elements that reinterpret two huge drops of dew on the grass, while they are traversed by their neutrinos.


In parallel to that time of fairs, Medina participates in the same Pinta fair with the GBG Art gallery and is present with a selection of works in the end-of-year exhibition at Ascaso Gallery, in the city of Miami.


Photos: @rafaelguillen & Estudio Medina Files

Mouvement. Hommage à Denise René

Bonisson Art Center, Rognes, Francia, October 2022

This exhibition is held in recognition of the French gallery owner Denise René, and her memorable exhibition Le Mouvement, held in 1955, with which she promoted knowledge of geometric, optical and kinetic art throughout the world.

From the beginning of his gallery, he promoted those who became masters of these trends: Agam, Bury, Calder, Cruz-Diez, Le Parc, Morelet, Soto, Tanguely, Vasarely among others; a relay that has continued Denis Kilian, current director of the gallery, actively presenting collective and personal exhibitions of renowned artists of contemporary geometry.


Sponsored by Christian Le Dorze, director of the Bonisson Art Center, and curated by Denis Killian, this exhibition confirms the validity of this trend, integrating the gallery's artists who, through several generations, continue to make geometry his livelihood. of his proposals and artistic discourse, including Carlos Medina, whose spatial intervention Fragment de pluie essentiel and Neutrino Bague 5 (Neutrino Ring 5) are included in this exhibition.

Photos Gabrielle Voinot

Wood Transformation

Galerija Božidar Jakac (GBJ) - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.  Kostanjevica na Krki, Slovenia, October - February, 2023

From October 2022 to February 19, 2023, the group exhibition Wood Transformation at Galerija Božidar Jakac - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Kostanjevica na Krki, Slovenia, shows 50 works by Croatian artists from the collection of the National Museum of Modern Art (NMMU) in Zagreb, Croatia, and 18 works by artists from the GBJ collection, including that of Venezuelan artist Carlos Medina (Homage to Bolívar, 1982).

Medina's inclusion in this exhibition and in the museum's collection responds to his work and participation in events with international and regional sculptors during the eighties. Among the artists who accompany Medina, we mention those known or referenced in his experience during the Forma Viva Symposium (1982): Dora Kovačević, Ivan Meštrović, Ivan Picelj, Dušan Tršar, Šime Vulas.

Wood Transformation highlights the importance of wood, trees and forests for the survival of human beings, as well as their relationship with nature. Selected works reveal astonishing forms of wood as a primary natural material in the myriad transformations over the last hundred years. The exhibition is curated by Tatijana Gareljić (NMMU), in collaboration with Miha Colner (GBJ).

Medina: Círculos y planos. Sculptures1988 - 2000
Villandry  Espacio Cultural. Barquisimeto, Venezuela. Since April 2022

In this exhibition that remains for practically a whole year, Espacio Villandry recognizes the artist Carlos Medina and carries out this exhibition with works never before exhibited, which were made when he returns to Venezuela from Italy, Carrara where he lived for seven years, developing studies and techniques of stone sculpture. In Barquisimeto, his hometown, he retake steel and iron, materials that he had already worked with in his beginnings, and there he produces this series of sculptures, based on deconstructed circles, which create shapes and planes that move us to discover the origin and deployment of each circle.In parallel with his works in metal, he develops a wide series of sculptures in wood, like Cylinders, and we can say are erected through planes made in direct carvings on wood and suggest a geometry in movement.


Even though his current work has evolved towards a spatial proposal, with elements suspended in an interpretation of the cosmos and nature, this series of works were part of the evolutionary process towards his contemporary proposal, and in some of them, he already integrates his spatial concept. This selection is part of the 103 works planned for an individual exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Caracas (2003), but which, due to the departure of its director, Sofía Imber, did not take place.

Why white?

Art Paris & Galerie Wagner, Paris Francia, March - May 2022

Galerie Wagner, presents in parallel in its spaces at 19 Rue des Grands Augustins and also at the Art Paris fair, two exhibitions under a selection of artists whose discourse explores the theme of works of art in white... Clear white or subject? white? Color or no color? Ideas that coincide with the search for light and the imperceptible by Carlos Medina, one of the invited artists who, together with Julio Le Parc, Guy de Lussigny, Charles Bezie, Gerard Hotter, Marie Térèrese Vacossin, among others have taken the risk of creating blank pieces, which, under the vision of Florence Wagner, make up an innovative and challenging proposal.

Angle à Angle

Galerie Denise René - Paris, Francia, November 2021 -  January 2022

Galerie Denise René, Paris, opens from November 2022 to January 2023, the Angle à angle exhibition, with the participation of Medina and his intervention on the wall Space Neutrinos and the Surface with Neutrinos XIII.

Both pieces highlight the transversal way- between angles - of the neutrinos on their journey from the sun.

Retour à la ligne
Galerie Denise René - Paris. November 2021

Galerie Denise René, Paris, presents the group show  Retour à la Ligne , in which Medina is represented by Anneau de neutrinos (Neutrinos ring): a suspended piece in which the line marks the path and support of a Neutrino fragment made of hematite and steel wire.

This exhibition shows the essence of graphic and spatial drawing.

Art Verona

 E3 Contemporanea- Verona. Octubre 2021

From October 15 to 17, 2021, Medina shows in ArtVerona, Italy, the spatial intervention Frammento di pioggia (Rain Fragment), on two scales, presented by E3 Arte Contemporánea. In this 16th edition, the city of Verona takes up this important art fair as a physical experience

Mesure Démesure

Graf Galerie - Paris. September 2021

Galerie Graf on Champs Elysée Paris, within the exhibition Mesures Démesures, in collaboration with Galerie Wagner, presents a selection of French and Latin American artists, including Carlos Medina and also two other Venezuelan: Carlos Cruz-Diez and Julio Pacheco Rivas.

Medina participates with eight works: a spatial intervention Neutrinos Spatiaux (2001-2021), a suspended sculpture

Gota 2013 (Goutte) 80 cm high and a selection of six Surfaces intervened under different concepts, so that light, as a common element, create a virtual reality projection. Open to the public from September 2021 to January 2022.

Photos: Chloé Coislier

Beyond the Visible

Ascaso Gallery - Miami. May - September 2021

Ascaso Gallery presents in its new space in Miami, the exhibition Beyond the visible by Carlos Medina, who has brought from Paris, city where he resides, his proposals to creates in Miami a novel group of works on his plastic investigations of Neutrinos; along with other works of his series Surfaces that relate light, shadows and geometric abstraction. The exhibition, accompanied by a catalog written by Adriana Herrera, PhD, will be open until September, 2021.


According to Herrera, “the inexhaustible vein of his art comes from this dual faculty of clearly perceiving two orders. The first responds to the perfect visible geometry: to discover in the rain, as he says, 'the fragment of a line suspended in a diagonal circumstance'. That order is the source of his drops sculpted in wood or metals and arranged as precipitations in his spatial interventions.” The second order is inspired by the no less perfect geometry that, as the title of this exhibit points out to us, it is Beyond the visible. “If geometric abstraction developed in a manner foreign to the visible world, voluntarily separated from all referential links of the image, the renovation of Carlos Medina’s work stems from his approach to the real geometry of the visible and invisible”, says Herrera.


Beyond the Visible will display 48 artworks including spatial interventions, suspended sculptures and wall-mounted pieces. Medina explains: “I seek uncover the shadows that live from light and to make visible the energy and substance of the neutrino particles, that being eternal and invisible can pass through everything.” Since the seventies, anticipating even the first scientific images of these particles, he investigated this essential form of matter in multiple media.

Photos: @rafaelguillen & Mariano Costa Peuser.

El Nuevo Herald : Carlos Medina: cruce de dimensiones y espacios temporales por Dennys Matos

Espace et tension

Galerie Denise René - Espace Marais, Paris. Decembre - Mars 2020

With a selection of contemporary artists, galerie denise rené offers an exhibition of works in which the elements create tension between them and/or have been created to intervene or act suspended in space.

On this occasion, Carlos Medina takes over the central room to make a Rain Fragment as an immersive experience, since the viewer can enter and "get wet" under this reinterpretation of the rain, made up of 87 pieces, each one made in direct carving. . machined from solid and polished aluminum.

A 500 años de Leonardo Da Vinci

Galería Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF) - Caracas: June - July 2019

As a tribute to the 500th anniversary of the birth of Leonardo Da Vinci, the CAF presents the exhibition Vigencias (Validity), with a selection of nine artists and disciplines that act as the validity of creation as an expression of its time.
Medina participates with a spatial intervention with his Neutrinos para Leonardo, dedicated to the cosmological and advanced vision of this universal genius
CAF Tower, Luis Roche Altamira Avenue, Caracas.

Galerie Denise René

Rive Gauche - Paris. May 2019

Dénise René Gallery, in Paris,  exhibits in its Rive Gauche space a group show of important artists: Agam, Claisse, Colombo, Cruz-Diez, Gordillo, Herbin, Kupka, Le Corbusier, Le Parc, Médina, Megert, Morellet, Picelj, Schöffer, Stazewski, Tinguely, Tomasello, Vasarely.

We are happy to be part of this selection. The vernissage will be on May 23, 2019.

Espace oblique

Galerie Denise René - Paris. November - January 2019

From November 15, 2018 to January 2019, Carlos Medina is present at Galerie Denise René, Paris Espace Marais, with Fragment de pluie oblique (Oblique Rain Fragment ), as part of the Espace Oblique exhibition, where geometry challenges the horizontal and horizontal planes verticals, creating a unique exhibition bringing together the works of artists who explore this concept, among them: Albers, David Bill, Jakob Bill, Blanchet, Claisse, Demarco, Dewasne, Team 57, Ferro, Jacobsen, Macaparana, Marinho, Mortensen, Pe Lang , Picelj, Sobrino, Sunagawa, Ullrich and Vasarely

El arte de la levedad -The art of lightness-
Personal exhibition curated by the critic Federica Palomero

Cesta República Art Space - Madrid. November 2018

Carlos Medina del concepto a la forma -From concept to form-

Centro de Arte de Guanajuato - México. October - November 2018

Mexico has always welcomed the work of Carlos Medina with admiration and passion. On this occasion, the Art Center of the city of Guanajuato (CENART), presents this individual exhibition From the concept to the form, which, in addition to exhibiting the sculpture Gota (2007), a project twenty meters high (787 in.) with which Medina won in 2008, the honorable mention at the Guadalajara Biennial, includes a selection of White Surfaces and spatial interventions: Neutrinos, Rain Fragments and Laser Rays, occupying all the rooms of this art center.

Photos CENART Files

Carré Latin

Palais Royal - París. October 2018

Installation by Carlos Medina Sphères de neutrinos (Neutrino Spheres), at the Palais Royal in Paris, as part of the Carré Latino art festival.

A work that invites you to interact with these two enormous transparent spheres, like drops of dew; intervened with his

concept Neutrinos. This work was one of the focal points for the public that visited this third edition of the festival.

Photos: Cristóbal Ochoa


Galerie Wagner - Le Touquet. July 2017

As a tribute to the French artist Guy de Lussigny, starting on July 14, the national day of France, Galerie Wagner, French gallery dedicated to the dissemination and promotion of universal geometric art, opens the exhibition Tricolore à Touquet (Normandie, France) 

With a selection of artists whose works dominate the colors of the country: blue, white and red, Medina participates with five white works of his Essential proposal.

Géométries de Lumière - Light Geometries -

Galerie Wagner  - Le Touquet. April 2017

At Le Touquet - Paris - Plage, you will be visit the Géométries de lumière, exhibition, in which, integrating four individuals spaces an and proposals, four artists show their particular vision of the relationship between geometry and light.

Carlos Medina presents twelve works, including two spatial interventions that seek to create a dialogue between his discourse and the postulates of the Frenchs artists Le Boucher and Levrier-Mussat and the Chilean Contreras-Brunet, on this subject.

Images: Wagner Gallerie et Estudio Medina Files

Presentation of the book:
Medina.De lo Material a lo Esencial

Denise René Gallery - Paris. November 2017

On Tuesday, November 21, the act for the presentation of the MEDINA book will be held. From the material to the essential, at the Denise René Gallery -Rive Gauche- in Paris. Written by the curator and art critic, Dr. Bélgica Rodríguez, this 360-page book reveals the journey of the artist Carlos Medina during more than 40 years of research and unstoppable work. A work that, always starting from geometric abstraction, explores innumerable materials and processes, shapes and phenomena. From his sculptures and carvings or his large formats integrated into a spatial discourse, he evolves towards the dematerialization of volume and the taking over of space, in which matter is only present within the limits of a new suggested mass. His search: a geometric interpretation of the universe through essence, light and the imperceptible.​

With a prologue by Rafael Cadenas, the great Venezuelan poet, winner of the Cervantes Award for Literature, it is a book conceived as a piece of art, and its cover includes bas-relief neutrinos. It is made under the graphic concept of Zilah Rojas, who interprets the purism of the artist, incorporating the drawings that precede his three-dimensional creation to show them as two-dimensional works faithful to his concept.It is a publication edited and printed in Paris, under the coordination of Éditions Hermann in its two versions, Spanish - English and Spanish - French, with translations by Dag Buxell (English) and Carlos Parra Pérez (French).

Photos: Cristóbal Ochoa.

Art Élysées 2017

Espace Meyer Zafra - Paris. October 2017

Again this year, Carlos Medina will be present with the Espace Meyer gallery.
The Neutrinos of Carlos Medina passing through space in Art Elysées.

Carré Latin

Palais Royal - Paris. Oct  2017

An art festival at the Palais Royal in Paris, featuring a selection of Latin American artists among which Carlos Medina participates with one of his Fragments of rain, with the Argentine Francisco Asis the artist honored.

De Nature en Sculpture

Fundation Villa Datris- Paris. May 2017 - November 2017

Medina present with his work: Fragment de Pluie in the  exhibition De Nature en Sculpture, inaugurated in the Villa Datris Foundation, one of the most important institutions and collections of contemporary art in the south of France. Along with a selection of French and international artists such as Klein, Long, Smithson, Shigu and the Venezuelans Merida and Crespín, this impressive exhibition that occupies the gardens and rooms of the Foundation, will be open to the public until November 2017.

Fragments Essentiels -Essentials Fragments-

Espace Meyer Zafra - Paris: May 2017

The solo show Fragments Essentiels by Carlos Medina at Espace Meyer Zafra, is his first individual exhibition in Paris. There, he presents the most contemporary elements of his work.
Spatial interventions as fragmented realities such as rain or the travel of particles from the cosmos, are interpreted by the artist like interventions called: Space cylinders, Rain fragments and Neutrinos, which create an atmosphere of essential and spatial nature. In contrast, his new Surfaces like a fragment of silence in the Imperceptible Surfaces, intervened with polished aluminum bars to intertwine a minimum reading between those three pieces of 100 x 100 cm (39 x 39 in.) each one, while in the case of the Essential Surfaces they create a rhythm between the volumes and voids that are integrated into eight works of 40 x 40 cm (16 x 16 in.) each.

This exhibition is curated by the architect Mauricio Alfonso and presents us with a catalog in the form of a plaquette, with a text by the critic Bélgica Rodríguez.

Photos: Karin Borjas & Estudio Medina Files.

El pasado, el presente y el futuro
-The past, the present and the future-

Centro Cultural BOD, Caracas. From April 2017

Neutrinos in three times, work of Carlos Medina in the exhibition: The past and the future in the present.

An exhibition at the BOD Cultural Center featuring a selection of the most important contemporary Venezuelan sculptors. 

Art Élysées 2016

Espace Meyer Zafra - Paris: October 2017

Carlos Medina will be present with the Espace Meyer - Zafra gallery in Paris at this important fair of Modern and Contemporary Art in its tenth edition.


Galería Ascaso - Caracas. From May 30, 2016

As an evolution of his Essential proposal, presented at the Ascaso Gallery in Miami, Medina goes further with his second personal exhibition at Galería de Arte Ascaso Caracas: Imperceptible.

It reveals to us in different scales and materials the buoyancy of its elements and geometric interpretations; presenting in the case of his sculptures made of tubes and rods, only the edge of their volumes which are represented by emptiness or space, as well as transparencies and spatial interventions that interpret and reveal fragmented realities of waterfalls, clouds or cosmic particles or rays of light.

Photos: Renato Donzelli.


Ascaso Gallery - MiamiFebruary 2016

Essential, is the first individual exhibition that Carlos Medina has carried out at Ascaso Gallery Miami, and focuses above all on his spatial interventions in which the main protagonist on this occasion is nylon, representing light itself with its reflections, transparencies, or as a medium. to suspend the sculptural elements.

This exhibit is composed by the spatial interventions: Cylinders that represent the journey of imperceptible particles, Bouncing Water, Square of Light, and new approaches to its Rain Fragments and Neutrinos. These settings are accompanied by a series of Surfaces with metal rod inserts that reproduce multiple real and virtual planes.

Photos: Mariano Costa Peuser

Video: Antonio Capra

See catalogue >>

Latin American MasterPieces

Ascaso Gallery - Miami. November 2015

Ascaso Gallery would like to welcome you to the opening reception of a collective of works by Latin American masters who are celebrating the beginning of the art fair season.


It will be a joint event along with The Billionaires Club and the exclusive tasting of Maurice Vendôme champagne.


This exhibit will take place on Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 7:00 pm at Ascaso Gallery in Wynwood (2441 NW 2nd Ave., Miami, FL 33127).

El Arte de escribir sobre Arte -The Art of Writing about Art-

Fundación BBVA Provincial - Caracas: From October 15, 2015

On this occasion, the Fundación BBVA Provincial, gathers a particular sample of works by artists who illustrate a selection of books written by the renowned Venezuelan historian and art critic Bélgica Rodríguez. Her career covers several years of prolific reflective work about the movements and artists who have defined the scene of visual arts in Venezuela and Latin America.

On this homage to Bélgica Rodríguez, the book Esencial about Carlos Medina is presented; it contains the contemporary work of the artist, written by this author and designed by Zilah Rojas.

Arts Élysées 2015

Avenue de Champs Élysées - París October 22 - 26

The Espace Meyer Zafra is pleased to invite you to the Art Fair Élysées which will take place from October 22 to 26, 2015 at Stand 137A. 

For the first time Carlos Medina participates in this fair and he presents the intervention Fragment of rain.

Tangible Forms

Art Nouveau Gallery - Miami. July 07, 2015

Collective exhibition by Art Nouveau Gallery where Medina presents the contrast between his initials Aceros, surfaces or sculptures made of oxidized steel as light and baseless sculptures, and his immediately subsequent proposal of White Surfaces as sculptures that seems emerge from the wall.

Expresión Libre II -Free Expression II-

Art Nouveau Galería - Maracaibo. From June 2015

On the occasion of being close to celebrating Father’s Day, we invite you to visit our spaces and enjoy the collective sample “Free Expression II” (Expresión Libre II) from this Tuesday, June 16.


Opening from 4:00 to 7:00 pm.



Marion Gallery - Panamá: February - April 2015

Marion Gallery presents Carlos Medina’s first exhibition in Panama with a wide sample of his current production. Also for the first time, Carlos Medina, performs some of his most contemporary interventions in space, such as his Cascade Fragment, Space Cylinders, representing the journey of invisible particles, one of them made in homage to the maestro Cruz-Diez with his three emblematic colors. Similarly, the gallery showcase is intervened with Netrinos who seems want to escape to the outside.


The works about Surfaces, shows in this exhibition has been almost entirely produced in Panama, collaborating with the atelier Articruz, with which master Medina has been working for the last two years.

Photos: @rafaelguillen

La línea: Origen y esencia -The Line: Origin and Essence-

Gabinete del Dibujo y la Estampa - Valencia. February - March 2015

The Fundación Gabinete del Dibujo y la Estampa of Valencia and the Topel Páez collection, on occasion of their ninth anniversary, present Carlos Medina’s work from the last fifteen years, which goes beyond the formal limits known by the sculpture; thus, threads, leaves, geometry, surface, drops, fawned paper and subatomic particles meet within a discourse making the space be the sculpture object by means of the line.  Likewise, the resizing of the paper may be witnessed, in which the folding becomes a volumetric state, and the spatial sublimity is projected throughout the line and the dot, the essential elements of drawing.


Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia (MACZUL) - Maracaibo  2014

After successful experiences in Mexican museums, the exhibit Esencial by Carlos Medina arrives in Venezuela.  In it, he incorporates unprecedented proposals of his over 40-year long career.  It can be visited until the end of May, 2014, at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia -MACZUL.


We will enjoy some of the most contemporary proposals by Medina, among them, his Fugas in nylon, which evoke light beams; Neutrinos which lead us to a vibrating cosmos; Superficies (Surfaces), where he combines the techniques of marking and routering; the installations of Gotas (“Drops”) in metallic bars at monumental scales; and also his Fragment of rain in aluminum.  At last, we will have his Laser rays experience in the 80s as homage to Lucio Fontana.

Photos: @rafaelguillen

De lo Material a lo Esencial -From the Material to the Essential-

Galería de Arte Ascaso - Caracas May 2013

Carlos Medina after his individual exhibition and Essential & art workshop that he held at the Museum of Arts of the University of Guadalajara, presenting more than 100 works, including three spatial interventions with his Rain Fragments and his Neutrinos. brings to Venezuela these new proposals as the current stage within a retrospective of his work in Venezuela. Thus,  Medina takes over all the spaces in the three floors of Galería Ascaso in Caracas, with an anthological exhibition to show his work of the last twenty-five years, made in Venezuela once he returns from his residence in Italy for seven years, where he developed his series of more than 100 stone sculptures.
From the material to the essential, shows the evolution  from the sculpture that, although with spatial approximations, Medina developed in traditional materials and formats, and that from the 90s begins to approach his current proposal, minimal or essential and takes it is space with its interventions of his Drops and Neutrinos that "float".

Curated and cataloged by Bélgica Rodríguez, and the designer Zilah Rojas, this exhibition presents large-format work, including La Ciudad, which at almost twelve meters (472 in.)  long and two and a half meters (98 in.) high, incorporates the most representative elements of the work. from Medina.

Photos: Renato Donzelli.

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